All in Career

5 Ways to Unlock Your True Identity

Identity is a major part of our lives. It may feel a little selfish to take time and reflect on who you are or where you want to be, but if you’re anything like the average millennial, you’re probably having an identity crisis every couple of months. Here are 5 ways you can unlock your true identity and live your best life.

Beyond the 9-5

Throughout our entire lives, we were taught to work hard to get to the next level. Truthfully, the hard work does pay off, but as kids, we were always aiming to get to the next level. Read more on how to find your fulfillment outside of the day-to-day grind of the 9-5 lifestyle.

The Quarter Life Crisis

We’re the generation who wants a 9-5 job and more – we have the side hustle to the side hustle, and we want to show our parents that we’re going to be okay, but how are we supposed to do it all? If you’re between the ages of 23-35, you might be feeling the same. Read more to confirm if you’re facing a quarter-life crisis (even if you aren't 25).